NorCal CMA relies on the effort and participation of our dedicated volunteers, committee chairs, and board members who work to make sure NorCal CMA is carrying our message in the spirit of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts for World Service.

NorCal CMA has been organized by, and is responsible to, the groups that comprise our fellowship located in Northern California and for the purpose of coordinating the services which individual groups cannot provide. 

We're here to help you carry a message of recovery to the addict who still suffers.

Monthly Intergroup (GSR) MEETING

2nd Saturday of Every Month

11:00 am to 12:30 pm PT
Hybrid — NorCal CMA Board Members, Committee Chairs, GRSs, and members of the fellowship

Castro Community Meeting Room
511 Castro Street (Above Bank of America)
San Francisco, CA 94114

This meeting is wheelchair accessible.

Join Meeting Remotely:
Meeting ID: 974 3290 1845
Passcode: 839860

All NorCal CMA Members are invited to attend the monthly meeting of the NorCal CMA District/Intergroup. All Group Service Representatives (GSRs) and Board Members are strongly encouraged to attend so that their groups are well represented.  

Email to be added to the GSR email notification.


Attendance at the assemblies and committee meetings is open to all addicts interested in the rewards of service. Committees are always in need of volunteers, and there is no specific clean-time/sobriety requirements to serve on most of them. 

For more information, contact specific committee chairpersons via email.

All members of any committees or subcommittees created by or pursuant to our bylaws are required to:

Article VIII: Section 4

Hospitals & Institutions Committee (H&I)

The H&I Committee is looking for volunteers to bring meetings into facilities in San Francisco, Sacramento, San Jose and Santa Cruz. We have a waiting list for facilities who are reaching out to us for help. That's where you come in. 

In order for us to be able to bring a meeting to a facility, we need a minimum of four volunteers with a year or more of sobriety who is working the steps with a sponsor. 

The H&I Committee meets every month to transmit and receive updates, and to provide an opportunity for new volunteers to get connected with service. 

4th Saturday of Every Month

10:30 am to 11:30 am PT
Online via ZoomH&I Committee Meeting

Join Meeting:
Meeting ID: 847 3713 9750
Passcode: H&I2023 

We have started a phone list of members in service to H&I in case there is need to reach out to someone to cover a commitment.  Please email to be added to the list. 

Public Information & Outreach Committee (PI&O)

The PI&O Committee is looking for volunteers to take calls from addicts in need of support, and those who may have questions about the CMA program. Phone Line Volunteers are remote positions, and we have openings with some shifts as short as 1-hour-per-week. The minimum requirements are 1 year of continuous clean time AND completion of all 12 steps with a sponsor. 

For more information, email

The PI&O Committee meets fully online via Zoom on the 3rd Saturday of every month. All members and those curious about PI&O are invited to attend.

3rd Saturday of Every Month

11:45 am to 12:45 pm PT
Online via ZoomPI&O Committee Meeting

Join Meeting:
Meeting ID: 872 1436 7468
Passcode: PI&O2023 

If you would like more information about the work of the PI&O Committee, would like printed copies of the updated meeting schedule, or would like printed copies of our pamphlets, please email

To download the latest versions of our pamphlets, please visit the CMA Pamphlets page under Literature

For website updates, please email 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

NorCal CMA is committed to fostering safe, inclusive spaces for all recovering crystal meth addicts, regardless of age, race, physical appearance, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, background, disability, or other personal identifiers, while engaging our Fellowship around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in their local meetings.

As our newest committee, we are still ramping up. If you would like to serve as a member of the DEI committee or if have other questions centered around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, please email our chair: for additional information.

Inclusivity Statements

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee of NorCAL CMA has collected these inclusivity statements from across the fellowship of Crystal Meth Anonymous. These statements are being used in meetings all over the world and are wonderfully diverse, yet focused on the same goal: to increase the feeling of inclusivity in CMA meetings.

We’d like to offer this as a resource for your meeting in case you would like to add one of these to your meeting script. Feel free to use these statements as is, or adapt to the needs and group conscience of your meeting.

Social Events Committee

The Social Events Committee is looking for volunteers who want to bring their ideas for creative events and sober meet-ups to the fellowship. We host dozens of events throughout the year to provide opportunities for connection and fellowship outside of meetings. Join us for our remote  committee meetings on the 4th Saturday of every month.

4th Saturday of Every Month

11:45 am to 12:45 am PT
Online via ZoomSocial Events Committee Meeting

Join Meeting Remotely:
Meeting ID: 894 0614 6305
Passcode: Social2023

We also operate a private Facebook group as a way to stay connected, linked under events in the navigation above. For more information, or if you would like to be invited to our groups and events, email our social events chair at

2023 General Service Conference

The California Area Assembly sent delegates Rob I. and Jared B. to the 2023 General Service Conference. They provided a presentation on the GSC report to our May 2023 Intergroup/GSR meeting. Additionally, a copy of the presentation was emailed to all the GSRs. 

You can download the full report by clicking here: 2023 General Service Conference Report

Updated Saturday, 12/14/2024