24-Hour Norcal CMA Help Line
Please note that the 24-Hour Help Line is not a crisis hotline and therefore not equipped to respond to emergencies or answer medical or legal questions. We do have volunteers 24-hours a day, but some calls may get sent to voicemail. If that happens, please leave a message with your phone number so we can call you back right away.
You may want to visit Are You An Addict? if you have concerns about your own drug use, or For Family & Friends if you are concerned for a loved one.
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline can help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Please visit their website at 988Lifeline.org for more information.
Contact Our Trusted Servants
Corporate Officers
These members of the Board of Directors are Officers of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation.
Board of Directors
These six members of the Board of Directors complete the ten-member Intergroup Board of Directors.
Chair of the Board
Vice Chair of the Board
District Committee Member
Structure & Finance Committee Chair
Public Information & Outreach Committee Chair
Hospitals & Institutions Committee Chair
Social Events Committee Chair
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Chair
Subcommittee Chairs & Trusted Servants
Chips Coordinator
Literature Coordinator
Phone Helpline Coordinator
Retreat Planning
Unity Day Committee
More Contact Information
Our Mailing Address
If you would like to write to Northern California Crystal Meth Anonymous, or you are remitting your group's 7th Tradition with a check or money order, please use this address:
NorCal CMA
PO Box 14038
San Francisco, CA 94114-0038
Outside Norcal
Other California Districts
Los Angeles
Serving the LA metro area including Long Beach, Orange County, and Palm Springs
San Diego
Serving the San Diego metro area and Imperial County
California Area Assembly
This is the level immediately below NorCal CMA in our inverted pyramid service structure. Visit their website CaliforniaAreaAssembly.org to learn more.
General Services
CMA General Services
4470 W Sunset Boulevard
Suite 107 PMB 555
Los Angeles, CA 90027-6302
24/7 Phone line: 855-METH-FREE (855-638-4373)
Website: www.CrystalMeth.org
Find a Meeting
Meetings are we we gather to share experience, strength, hope and wisdom. NorCal CMA fellowship has meetings in-person and online in the San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Berkeley, Sacramento, Visalia and the larger Northern California region. We do our best to keep this page up-to-date so that you can find a meeting near you.
Call 1-844-END-METH
NorCal CMA operates a toll-free help line that's available 24-hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We serve the larger Northern California region, but we can help connect you with CMA meetings and resources no matter where you are. If you think you have a problem with crystal meth and would like help, please call 1-844-363-6384.