We are Crystal Meth Anonymous. Together we practice the Twelve Steps as a new way to live, free from crystal meth use. We share our experience, strength, and hope to help each other stay clean and sober, one day at a time.
What is CMA?
Crystal Meth Anonymous is a 12-Step fellowship for those in recovery from addiction to crystal meth. You never have to use again. And you don’t have to recover alone. Click here for more information about our fellowship and what we do.
Find a Meeting
NorCal CMA offers meetings in-person and online in San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Berkeley, Sacramento, Stockton, Visalia, Fresno and the larger Northern California region. This is our most up-to-date list of meetings.
Get up-to-date information on what's happening in CMA, the latest Social Events, and other important announcements. If you are a GSR, we have a new quick-read announcements section that is updated regularly.
Stay connected! The NorCal CMA Social Events Committee coordinates fun activities and other opportunities for folks to connect with the fellowship outside of individual meetings.
Events Calendar
Check our the NorCal CMA events calendar where we highlight upcoming events, from Social Events to our monthly Intergroup and committee meetings. If you would like to add your event to the calendar or you have an update to an existing or recurring event, email webmaster@norcalcma.org.
CMA Social Events
Connect with the fellowship and create lasting memories in the process. We offer a range of activities and meetups throughout the greater Northern California area. Join the committee and learn about our fun events.
NorCal CMA is on Facebook
Connect with the fellowship on Facebook to learn about upcoming events and important announcements, including meeting updates, social events, conferences and retreats, and other happenings in Northern California.
2025 CMA Retreat
Join NorCal CMA in the Santa Cruz Redwoods Friday, April 11th through Sunday, April 13th, 2025! The retreat is a great way to connect with the fellowship and deepen your connection to the program and your fellows. Registration is now open. Registration closes on April 1, 2025.
The Social Events Committee maintains a private and hidden Facebook Group to stay up-to-date on the latest events in Northern California.
To be invited to the private and hidden Facebook group, or to join the NorCal CMA Social Events Committee, please email the Social Events Chair at socialeventschair@norcalcma.org.
NorCal CMA is committed to fostering safe, inclusive spaces for all recovering crystal meth addicts, regardless of age, race, physical appearance, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, background, disability, or other personal identifiers, while engaging our fellowship around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in their local meetings.
Service in CMA keeps our community connected and growing. NorCal CMA exists to facilitate communication and the smooth functioning of our meetings and fellowship.
The Inverted Pyramid
Unlike in traditional hierarchical organizations, CMA and other Twelve Step fellowships are an inverted pyramid with the groups and meetings—and the individual addicts who make up those groups—at the top. CMA relies on its service structure to keep our community connected and growing.
Groups & Meetings
This is the level that most of us are familiar with. The meetings that we all attend are the most important part of the service structure. Every other level of service exists in order to help these Groups or Meetings stay connected and grow.
This organization, NorCal CMA, is a collection of individual meetings that each send a GSR to form our intergroup. We represent the 48 counties north of the northern county lines of San Luis Obispo, Kern, and San Bernardino Counties in California. The District's first function is to be part of the communication chain that connects each group with the next level of service down the line.
The Area is the next level of service within CMA. Each Area corresponds to a single state or province within North America. Our Area, the California Area Assembly includes three districts: NorCal CMA, Los Angeles District of CMA, and San Diego CMA. Each District sends a representative called a District Committee Member (DCM) to the Area Assembly.
CMA General Services
This is the annual assembly of the service body for Crystal Meth Anonymous. Because it is made up of Area Delegates as well as the Board of Trustees and the General Service Committee, it is considered the voice of the fellowship.