7th Tradition Distributions

After groups meet their regular expenses, most donate the funds beyond a prudent reserve to their local service structures, Intergroup, and the CMA General Services Office to help with their expenses. Such expenses include producing recovery literature and chips; operating a telephone hotline and website; and helping host conferences. These contributions also assist with supporting meetings worldwide, providing public information and outreach, and carrying the message to those in hospitals and institutions.

According to the Fourth Tradition, each group is autonomous except in matters affecting CMA as a whole. Therefore, it’s up to each group to decide how to use its resources. 

NorCalCMA Intergroup approved these suggested guidelines: 


Email treasurer@norcalcma.org after paying via Paypal to identify meeting and payment details for your Intergroup distribution. Indicate what amount is 7th Tradition, and what amount is for H&I. 

If paying by Venmo to our Treasurer (@David-Carlos-6), please put your meeting name in the note.

If paying by mail, make the Check or Money Order with your group's name, city, day and meeting time, payable to Northern California District of CMA. H&I Contributions made by check or Money Order must be made payable to Hospitals & Institutions, NorCalCMA.

NorCal CMA
P.O. Box 14038
San Francisco, CA 94114

Ca Area Assembly

When distributing to the California Area Assembly—whether by mail or by PayPal—please clearly indicate your group's name, city, day and meeting time, payable to CA Area Assembly

CMA California Area Assembly (CAA)
2261 Market Street, #170A
San Francisco, CA 94114

CMA World

When distributing to the CMA General Services Office (GSO)—whether by mail or by PayPal—please clearly indicate your group's name, city, day and meeting time, payable to CMA General Services

CMA General Services
1920 Hillhurst Ave. #1315
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Updated Sunday, 10/13/2024