The purpose of Northern California Crystal Meth Anonymous, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, is to carry on the movement of CMA in keeping with the intent and spirit of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and the 12 Concepts for World Service.

NorCal CMA has been organized by, and is responsible to, the groups that comprise our fellowship located in Northern California. In keeping with our primary purpose, we're here to help our meetings carry a message of recovery to the addict who still suffers.

There are many ways to be of service to the fellowship. On this page we outline how CMA is structured and where NorCal CMA fits within that structure. Below we have provided convenient links for our trusted servants, GSRs, and group Treasurers to access the service resources they need. 

Quick Links for Trusted Servants

Order Chips

You can order chips from NorCal CMA's clicking here to email our Chips Coordinator or you can order online via

Order Literature

Whether for the individual or the group, you ma request printed pamphlets, current meeting schedules and other literature.  

7th Tradition

Visit the 7th Tradition page for information on how and where to distribute funds from your group to all levels of CMA.


Get the latest news and event information from NorCal CMA. We have a quick-read GSR Announcement section.

How is CMA Structured?

The Inverted Pyramid

Unlike in traditional hierarchical organizations, CMA and other Twelve Step fellowships are an inverted pyramid with the groups and meetings—and the individual addicts who make up those groups—at the top. CMA relies on its service structure to keep our community connected and growing, while ensuring that we fulfill our primary purpose: to carry the message to the addict who still suffers.

Groups & Meetings

This is the level that most of us are familiar with. The meetings that we all attend are the most important part of the service structure. Every other level of service exists in order to help these Groups or Meetings stay connected and grow. Currently there are 48 meetings within Northern California CMA.

The Group also has the voice with the most impact in CMA. The voice of the Group is determined by its group conscience and communicated by its General Service Representative (GSR). It is transmitted through the GSR to the next level of service, the District.

GSRs and other members gather at our monthly Intergroup meetings which are held in a hybrid fashion. 

(More information below.)


This organization, NorCal CMA, is a collection of individual meetings that each send a GSR to form our intergroup. We represent the 48 counties north of the northern county lines of San Luis Obispo, Kern, and San Bernardino Counties in California. 

The District's first function is to be part of the communication chain that connects each group with the next level of service down the line. NorCalCMA meets regularly to transmit the groups’ voice down the service structure and to bring back any business or news from the California Area Assembly or the CMA General Services Office (or GSO). 

Our District Committee Member (DCM) is NorCal CMA's link to the California Area Assembly. Email for more information.


The Area is the next level of service within CMA. Each Area corresponds to a single state or province within North America. Our Area, the California Area Assembly includes three districts: 

Each District sends a representative called a District Committee Member (DCM) to the Area Assembly. Others that gather for these statewide Area Assemblies are individual GSR’s, other meeting officers, the Area delegate to the General Service Conference, the Regional Trustee or even individual members of the fellowship. In this way, information is passed from the local districts on to CMA General Services and vice-versa.

CMA General Services

This is the annual assembly of the service body for Crystal Meth Anonymous. Because it is made up of Area Delegates as well as the Board of Trustees and the General Service Committee, it is considered the voice of the fellowship. 

This is where the General Service Committee and the Board of Trustees get their direction from the fellowship at large.

Our Local Structure

Corporate Officers

These members of the Board of Directors are Officers of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation.

Chair of the Board

Vice Chair of the Board



Board of Directors

These six members of the Board of Directors complete the ten-member Intergroup Board of Directors.

District Committee Member

Structure & Finance Committee Chair

Public Information & Outreach Committee Chair

Hospitals & Institutions Committee Chair

Social Events Committee Chair

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Chair

Subcommittee Chairs & Trusted Servants

All members of any committees or subcommittees created by or pursuant to our bylaws are required to:

Article VIII: Section 4

Chips Coordinator

Literature Coordinator

Phone Helpline Coordinator

The Board of Directors of Northern California Crystal Meth Anonymous meet on a Quarterly Basis, and our monthly NorCal CMA Intergroup meeting is held on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm PT in a hybrid meeting at the Castro Community Meeting Room in San Francisco.

If you would like more information about our fellowship or board, you have questions about the subcommittees, or if you would like to get involved in service at the Intergroup level, please email any of trusted servants at the email addresses listed above. 

Our Service Area

Northern California Crystal Meth Anonymous serves 48 counties in California. We are the largest district by area in California. 

Below is a list of the counties in our district. For counties that currently host a CMA meeting, these are in bold type. Visit our Meetings by County page to find your nearest meeting.

Alameda County

Alpine County

Amador County

Butte County

Calaveras County

Colusa County

Contra-Costa County

Del Norte County

El Dorado County

Fresno County

Glenn County

Humboldt County

Inyo Counties County

Kings County

Lake County

Lassen County

Madera County

Marin County

Mariposa County

Mendocino County

Merced County

Modoc County

Mono County

Monterey County

Napa County

Nevada County

Placer County

Plumas County

Sacramento County

San Benito County

San Francisco County

San Joaquin County

San Mateo County

Santa Clara County

Santa Cruz County

Shasta County

Sierra County

Siskiyou County

Solano County

Sonoma County

Stanislaus County

Sutter County

Tehama County

Trinity County

Tulare County

Tuolumne County

Yolo County

Yuba County