Are You an Addict?

Only you can answer this question. For most of us who have admitted defeat, the answer is very clear. Yes, we had a problem, and no, we couldn’t fix the problem by ourselves. 

It doesn’t matter what you call it. It doesn’t matter how you did it. It brought us to our knees, because without exception, that’s what crystal meth does. 

If you feel you may have a problem with crystal meth, you're in the right place. On this page we have a range of resources that can help you achieve sobriety.  

Want to know if you're an Addict?

Only you can answer that question. No one in Crystal Meth Anonymous will tell you whether you’re an addict or not. Our Third Tradition states, "The only requirement for CMA membership is a desire to stop using." The principle of identification is what allows each of us to determine for ourselves whether or not we are an addict. 

Some of us knew we were addicts before we entered the program, and some of us weren’t sure but knew we wanted to do something about our problem with crystal meth.

If you aren't sure whether you are an addict, ask yourself these six questions:

If you answered yes to any of these, you might be an addict. If you’re not sure, we suggest that you attend a CMA meeting

There is a solution

Like other Twelve Step fellowships, CMA’s approach to recovery consists of three basic components:

Meetings & Fellowship

Our experience has shown that one of the most effective tools to stay clean is daily attendance at Twelve Step meetings. For most of us, active addiction was a very lonely place. Surrounding ourselves with others who are in recovery may be uncomfortable at first, but helps with the fear, sadness and isolation that our addiction created. We do this together. You are not alone.

Sponsorship & Step Work

A sponsor is a person in the program who we choose to offer us guidance in working the Twelve Steps. “Working the Steps,” means understanding what the Steps mean, and finding ways to apply them in our daily lives. Sponsors share their experience, strength, and hope. Sponsors make suggestions to help us maintain our sobriety. You don't have to recover alone.

Service & Commitments

One of the ways we keep our sobriety is by helping others to stay clean. A commitment is a responsibility we take, on a volunteer basis, at a specific meeting. Commitments keep us attending our meetings regularly, help others in the program get to know us, and provide us with the satisfaction of following through on what we have committed to do.

Do a "90 in 90"

Go to 90 meetings in 90 days, and don't pick up between those meetings. This will help you to create the new habit of regularly attending meetings.

Get a Sponsor

Some meetings ask for a show of hands of those willing to be sponsors and check the phone list to see if there are notations next the names of available sponsors. 

Read literature

As a developing 12-step program, CMA is slowly developing new literature. We encourage our members to read AA and NA literature as well.

Use Phone Lists 

Dial ‘em, don’t file ‘em! We are all rebuilding our lives and learning new ways of livinginside and outside the rooms. Get a phone list and reach out to others in recovery.

As we say in our meetings, "If you think you have a problem with crystal meth, you're in the right place. You always have a seat here. Welcome home."

Still have Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

We know from experience, that we had a lot of questions before coming to the rooms of Crystal Meth Anonymous. Am I an addict? What happens in a CMA meeting? How can CMA help me? We've compiled a list of common questions folks have about Crystal Meth Anonymous meetings, fellowship, phone lists and more. If don't find your question listed, or you've read all the answers and still have questions, we invite you to attend an open meeting of CMA or call our toll-free 24-hour Help Line.

What are the Twelve Steps?

The Twelve Steps are a set of principles designed to produce a spiritual awakening. The Steps promote actions that help us to achieve and maintain sobriety. They offer a plan for recovery that helps repair the damage our addiction to crystal meth has caused. The Steps guide us in new ways of living to create a fulfilling life in recovery. Staying clean is our primary goal. When our actions are consistent with our principles, we can have inner peace and can embody honesty and serenity.

Why “One Day at a Time?”

For most of us, the idea of never using again is impossible. If we focus on forever, we may lose sight of what we can do today. For some of us, that commitment had to be: I won’t use just for the next hour.” Staying in the here and now makes sobriety possible. Yesterday is gone; we cannot say what tomorrow will bring. For these reasons we say that we stay clean one day at a time.

Read our Literature

Questions about the program of Crystal Meth Anonymous? Need help abstaining from crystal meth and other drugs? Have questions about "god" or meditation? 

Crystal Meth Anonymous has a comprehensive set of free pamphlets available for download. Many meetings and facilities where our fellowship gather have printed versions of these pamphlets. The full set can be found here.

What is CMA?

What is Crystal Meth Anonymous, and what are the 12 Steps? How can I stay clean?

To The Newcomer

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. 

Staying Sober 

Relapse is not a requirement. How does a relapse happen? There is a solution.

Experience of the Fellowship

Suggestions that have come from the collective experience of many members.

What about Alcohol?

Alcohol, other drugs, including prescribed medications and over-the-counter drugs.

Sober Tool Kit

The fellowship of CMA has a  tool kit for staying sober in Crystal Meth Anonymous.


These are some of our most frequently-asked questions for newcomers.

What do I do at a CMA meeting?

Often nothing feels more uncomfortable than trying something for the first time, especially if we don't know what's expected of us. CMA meetings have a basic structure and are led by a Secretary (or chairperson). After the readings, they will ask for newcomers or those attending for the first time to identify themselves by first name only. This is not done to embarrass anyone, but does allow us to get to know you better. Typically, you would say "Hi, my name is _____ and I'm and addict." 

You can also just say your name—whatever makes you feel comfortable. Sometimes listening is the best thing you can do. We look forward to welcoming you. 

What is a Sponsor?

A sponsor is someone in the program with some recovery time—usually a year or more—who helps guide you through the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of the CMA program. He or she can be the best friend you have in the program. 

One suggestion: BE HONEST WITH YOUR SPONSOR! You may be surprised at the peace you feel. Sometimes, you try a temporary sponsor to see if working together is right for the both of you.

How Do I find a Sponsor?

When you raise your hand to share at a meeting, that is a great opportunity to let the group know that you are looking for a sponsor. Many meetings have a dedicated service position called a "Newcomer Liaison" who can help answer questions or connect you with sponsorship.  

Listen to the shares from the floor. Often times you will hear something in a person's share that sparks a thought, or piques your interest. Speak to them after the meeting. 

Many meetings maintain a phone list with the names and contact information of folks who are available to sponsor.

What is A phone list? And what do I say to these people?

Just call or text to say hello, or to check in. It can be awkward or uncomfortable at first since many of us spent hours isolating. Talking with others in recovery helps us rebuild our social skills. You can share support, seek suggestions or make a commitment to meet for coffee. 

A phone list is a tool that gives us a way to connect with each other outside of meetings.

How do I get a phone list anyhow?

Many meetings maintain a phone list with a list of names of folks who are available to chat about recovery. If a meeting has a phone list, one of the trusted servants—usually a "Phone List Coordinator"—makes an announcement about the phone list, how to get a copy, and how to put your name on a list. If no announcement is made, you can always ask the secretary of the meeting for guidance. 

What about relapse?

Relapse does not have to be a part of your story.
If you sincerely want to stay clean, the program makes it possible for us to not use drugs again—one day at a time.

For some of us, relapse has been part of our path to recovery.
Maybe we weren't convinced that we were addicts. Maybe we hadn’t effectively worked the First Step where "We admitted that we were powerless over crystal meth and that our lives had become unmanageable.”

It is easier to stay clean than to get clean.
Using again starts the cycle of craving. It is important to quickly break the pattern of relapse.

If we do relapse, we can learn from our mistakes.
We can uncover what elements may have been missing from our program. We suggest rigorous honesty and returning to meetings immediately.

If you feel that you may relapse, we suggest that you reach out.
Call someone, get to a meeting, raise your hand, and discuss the urge to use.

What about alcohol and other drugs?

Many of us struggled with the suggestion that we should give up alcohol or other drugs along with crystal meth. For some of us, other drugs can be a gateway to using crystal meth. Dangerous rationalizations “But I am not an alcoholic,” or “A joint every now and then won’t hurt” can lead down the path of addiction once again. After a few drinks we may find ourselves looking for crystal meth and entering the cycle of addiction all over again.

The first step in recovery is to admit that we are addicts. Even if we are not addicted to other drugs, medical evidence tells us our addiction can easily transfer to other substances or behaviors. This is called “cross addiction,” and our experience shows us it is a very real danger.

What if I have partied with or even had sex with some of the people I see at a meeting?

It really is a small world, isn’t it? It is not uncommon for us to run across people in the meetings that we knew before recovery. Chances are, you are both different people than you were before. Take heart that you are both seeking recovery. If you feel that you are experiencing “triggering” thoughts or actions, then keep some distance for a while. They will understand.

Do you want help?

Find a Meeting

Meetings are we we gather to share experience, strength, hope and wisdom. NorCal CMA fellowship has meetings in-person and online in the San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Berkeley, Sacramento, Visalia and the larger Northern California region. We do our best to keep this page up-to-date so that you can find a meeting near you.

Call 1-844-END-METH

NorCal CMA operates a toll-free help line that's available 24-hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We serve the larger Northern California region, but we can help connect you with CMA meetings and resources no matter where you are. If you think you have a problem with crystal meth and would like help, please call 1-844-363-6384.